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Author: C4 Institute

Negotiation training in everyday life or “How do you eat an elephant?”

How do you eat an elephant?

Piece by piece.

In my negotiation trainings I impart a variety of new tactical and psychological knowledge. But despite storytelling, simulation practice and didactic integration exercises, the absorbed knowledge still has to be consolidated. And that includes constant practice. Faced with a daunting task – an upcoming marathon, a complex negotiation, a difficult conflict or a company start-up – we often feel anxious, frozen and so we stop before we even begin.

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From its first birthday on, the blog’s articles will also be released in English for international readers at

Berlin, 22 January 2018: For a year now, Thorsten Hofmann analyses and comments on current political and economic negotiations. For its first anniversary, the project becomes international: from now on, all articles will additionally be published in English at

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Germany’s Game Theorists Puzzle over Pyongyang. Thorsten Hofmann in the Handelsblatt Global Edition.

North Korea and the USA rattle their saber, while the Brexit negotiations have reached an impasse. Is Donald Trump a person who loses control of his own emotions and does the EU have supremacy in the Brexit negotiations? Together with colleagues from Stanford and Berlin Universities, negotiation expert Thorsten Hofmann analyses both tactics from the perspective of game theory.

Read the full article here.

Learn more about the practical application of game theory, especially the theory on brinkmanship in negotiations, as well as other negotiation tactics in one of the Center for Negotiation’ negotiation seminars