Media appearances ahead of failed Jamaica-coalition talks

Ahead of the failed coalition talks between CDU/CSU, FDP and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Thorsten Hofmann analyzed the complex situation in several media appearances. The negotiation expert shed light on team constellations, strategies and the persons involved’s attribution of roles.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur (German)
In his interview with Deutschlandfunk, Thorsten Hofmann explains the different personalities around the negotiation table and the importance of the relationship level for a successful conclusion.
ZDF heute plus (German)
“How to sound out” is the question ZDF heute plus raises in its report. Thorsten Hofmann explains why the personnel as well as the size of the negotiation team are crucial for negotiations.
Deutsche Welle (German)
Thorsten Hofmann evaluates the difficulties of the coalition talks and the interests of the parties involved.
Deutsche Welle (German)
In his interview with Deutsche Welle Online, Thorsten Hofmann gives an outlook on the coalition talks between CDU/CSU, FDP and Bünndnis 90/Die Grünen, emphasizing the impact of time as well as possible strategy options.
- Zeitung: Andrys, Pixabay | CC 0 Public Domain