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Germany’s Game Theorists Puzzle over Pyongyang. Thorsten Hofmann in the Handelsblatt Global Edition.

North Korea and the USA rattle their saber, while the Brexit negotiations have reached an impasse. Is Donald Trump a person who loses control of his own emotions and does the EU have supremacy in the Brexit negotiations? Together with colleagues from Stanford and Berlin Universities, negotiation expert Thorsten Hofmann analyses both tactics from the perspective of game theory.

Read the full article here.

Learn more about the practical application of game theory, especially the theory on brinkmanship in negotiations, as well as other negotiation tactics in one of the Center for Negotiation’ negotiation seminars

You can learn to negotiate – claim and reality in politics

A good politician is a good negotiator – at least you could assume that. After all, negotiating is the daily bread of a politician – especially if s/he operates on relevant interfaces. Legislative decisions, foreign policy aspects, internal security, social benefits or economic support – the list may be continued arbitrarily, whether in dialogue with company representatives, fellow party members, government partners, committee members, EU members or decision-makers in the local constituency. A good outcome of a negotiation can be crucial for a member of parliament and decide whether s/he will be re-elected.

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